
Details about poem .

Advanced astrotopia is intended to be a collection of advanced poems for those who regard light years as meaningless trivia found printed on the side of a packet of light bulbs by Mike Burr - the themes being dictated by or about its published artisans .

Elite blue

leap storms stir
on elite blue day horizons
growing to towering threats upon the gloam of evening
a spark, a catalyst, exploding off they go
to illuminate the toys of night
i do not move
you not do
but they do
they run afraid
panicked, stupor gone, those stupid chicks
are running hither thither
while our dove of equilibrium
holds and twirls upon the wings of stormy flux
and if that dove once had greyness
so that colour ebbs dolorous
it is white
the purest white
and in its down
are things it made
some saw only fleas and feet and feathers
but our dove made displays upon the courses of the air
it flew into the blue blue paradise of three dimensions
and in the fourth it left an arch
that linked the things it made with past and future generations
it also made an arch that linked us to its joy
a joy that saw through controled blue days
and past the walled elite horizons
that some saw but whose gates
or from its gaze they never passed
they were not reversed like us
that unto night with all the dark things we made
we urge the air in strange contortions
incipience and storms
and rained them down upon the tiny heads of chickens
how we laughed at their little electric leaps of fear
how they feared their shadows
their subtle darker selves

dedicated to Filippo Lippi's picture of Adoration .. Berlin
