
Details about poem .

Brant's short cut version is here and
the following perhaps needs some justification its about philosophy/religion [in anglicised italics] the references to love are also sort of scientific descriptions of
means of transferring energy as well as relating to the interactions of bodies which you might
anthropomorphism [ give human characteristics] if you had not read this first.


[read it first and if it seems a bit obscure read the notes over to the right as they might help]

i trust in the power of love
i believe in its healing tryst
i spread my arms and dove from its high jib
and for an instant
two cranes decorated the fine blue enamel
of jeweled sun and of unspoilt air and of fine water
through their trinity
like a cross-less Jesus
yet cruciform
one crane falls

thats me

what is love
love between two bodies ?
is it the close correlation of chemical
bound to desire ?
or the secret coded vibrations of an urbane plea
launched through space
that modulated, causes its receptor
to likewise love its breathing concord ?
or the inverse universal square that governs force
that drags all things to that finite place that finite time
be it though they might prefer less intimate distance ?

i cannot say i pondered this third
construct of love as i fell earthward
because i saw its Newton truth in razed horizons
but i contemplated the first construct
in the cantenary of that perfect flight
and as i recalled the triggers that made my leap so plausible
first i considered all that you had said
its negativity and indifference
and the sadness that rejection brings
the order which to my disorder
causes solitude and vehemence
and i was a little sad
defeatist, fatalist
then i considered all that i had made
in its sometimes rounded beauty
and its sometimes crude ugliness
its harmony, its supportive dedication
and those achievements somehow glowed like suns within
those suns made the chemistry
which i assume evangelists and saints describe
when they talk their ecstasies
because my body tingled
every nerve its ending super sensitised
overwhelming in its power
its shivering wonderment

and if time reversed ?

this time trajectory and its falcated past
ended on the stone and sand and lime slurried mud
of the building site and though hard
i went through its brittle crust
and then bounced up
not much
but i did not die

i blacked out
and in a short while i revived a little
everything was at the front
a thousand weights of force held it there
as the needles of the air pressed down
i tried to breathe but could not do so
and i began to panic
and i thought i could hear bubbling
also one eye was some where ground-ward
but the left lolled about like a drunk evening
half of an image of foundations and metal mesh and drainage came
and limed dirt quickly mired its accuracy and view
as i tried to crawl
so the great glue that held me firm took hold
and slowly as knives sliced the million stinging nerves
so my consciousness slid away
and then i died

if you had watched i would have seemed to twitch
and deflate
odd stone abbreviations for musculature
and a red nimbus working out into the crusted clay
weeping into little fissures in that hard won earth

but now we can contemplate the second construct of love
the secret coded vibrations of an urbane plea
launched through space and resonating through the ground
also starting from a dense point
it radiated out
its aureole diminishing as it spread
across the womb from which it was engendered
you felt it and you were not indifferent to its flight
its impact made you cry
its far reaching echo damaged peoples lives
and for some, spoilt their memory of image
for some it enhanced their thinking
and their self esteem
thus the constructs of the power of love
