
Introduction and discalimer to Karen Bookguilder .

Karen Bookguilder is intended to be a collection of poems 60 poems expressly for the Book Guild by Mike Burr - the themes being dictated by or about its published artisans .

A Folio


a folio .. an introduction in which the author declares that
it is OK to misunderstand the content of the folio
but that in your misunderstanding should you kill maim or
otherwise injure any person animal or plant then the author shall hereby
indemnify itself against consequent litigation
and further against any misunderstanding by which a person may
feel they are directly referred to in this said folio IE if you think
so then you are fictitious as this manuscript is real .....
now read on ..
any words which fail a spollchecker are errors of a deliberate nature
.. deliberate on that -
a few of the poems rhyme : not many -
six dots ...... indicate the beginning and end of a poem -

a folio

all in a folio
a manuscript
my egos and follies
in a literary crypt
and wrought lowly weeping
phantom figured motifs
of your imagining
in fact not what i wrote at all
not what i imagined i wrote at all

shadow clouds covering ideas i adumbrate
in the clouds you see faces
and shot the ideals on the prairies below
who cares
for words are merely an interpreter
in moments of greeting
and the quiet earth sleeping below is resown

cavalier earth where horses were a charging
where troughs and wavelets interfere
beneath its dark soil
combating roots adjured to be popular
and words from those tendrils
sprout and flow
fed by the clouds of other dull ego
they rise from their weeping and grow
they grow, so they grow

that was the introduction the remainder are rendered in
name sequence although there are tenuous connections between
some of the poems ...
