
about the tenets of religion .

Karen Bookguilder is intended to be a collection of poems 60 poems expressly for the Book Guild by Mike Burr - the themes being dictated by or about its published artisans .


invisible to man
indivisible from man
fluted sprites may play upon your grassy sofas
and dreams as aerial
be tuned upon your sleeping self
unconscious lands in mountains forming
and foaming surf is rolling on a hissing sand
the dreams of sanity
but in the dream the voice of god spoke
its voice resounding from the structures of the troubled places
and the crevices of countries
wherein hid despotic claims to righteousness
and to these weevils
the voice announced that destruction be renounced
as crime against humanity
for no man should kill another
the voice required of the disbelievers
that mankind search for betterment and better worlds
and this be a unifying aim and glory
the voice internalised had no corpus
which heard witness to its statement
and yet the voice is known and heard
who ignores that voice ?


most [possibly all] religions