

Karen Bookguilder is intended to be a collection of poems 60 poems expressly for the Book Guild by Mike Burr - the themes being dictated by or about its published artisans .


how through the stillness i can dream of passion
when the silence of the night finds me
limitless in the art of words
words that charm the spells and appeal
from within the core of living things
and make innate gestures fly away
subsumed by love and upon some distance watchful mound
they shout their wretched jealousies or unreasonable warnings
for love is reckless
and it is fickle as the transience of the night itself
procured, distilled into a magic
a reality within the words entranced
and so i write your name upon a wall
or upon a canvas or upon a motif of notes within a song
and cast that song upon the deafness of the night
piercing its sleeping vows with rapture

fey are the palisades of dreams you say
where wooden walls and halls shattered by the shards of dawn
disperse into the distant places watchful in their jealousies
and with subconscious warnings sing their songs within
the woken self
innate gestures of the ego for cautious people
where troubled issues of travail remain unspoken
and so many fantasies remain locked in silent words
