
Introduction to Voices .

Voices is intended to be a collection of poems written and illustrated by Mike Burr .


too busy to die
driving the force that motions in the pulse of dreams
and fabrication
i recreate and create
too insane to live
well normal : is an aggregation of many unnatural parts
and well good is an aggregation of many forces cohesively
and fabrication
is fatiguing and most times joyous
contiguous in bed as they must be with Felicity
bless her naked truths
for they are simple
for her truth is a simple being
made complex by persons
to justify an identity and to vindicate the need work
and to enable work
so that they may be
too busy to die
but when i stop
then into emotions maelstrom i am drawn
where the worth of ones creative mass
is circling down
beyond the rubicon of self esteem
and into the nether worlds of truth or else conceit
through the wall that separates the critic world
upon the lavenders of dreams
and on the thorns impaled
are creations rabble berries
quietly maturing green
or shrieking red
or fell dull and musty on the floor
do not fool yourself that what
a book may say is great is great
art is an investment
a product, commercial - just like soap
as if one were to devalue say
the doyens of colour or religious art
the banks in which that art resides
would not feel cleansed or best pleased
institutional art is too busy to die
waving flags
its currency coincident upon
the propaganda of nations
which makes me wonder
do i care that those products of my labours
will be junked or consigned to sheds
or just struck dead
for who cares where that labour goes
