Good for you

good for you is sometimes not without pain
and if i am the mercurial bearer of that pain
then i tell you that no pain is without end
like the storm that will first bluster like a kid
and then rage in prime with the power of surety
before it blows older until in placid frailty
will it barely lift a feather

should we withstand the blasts and rancour of stormy destiny
then that strength of unity will be doubled
that is the nature of change
and all things must yield to it
or pass until maybe that time comes again
and its gift is that the truth and inner beauty be refreshed
that beauty of spirit is a hard earned joy
but one must not slavishly honour its pleasures
as it is true that the warts and weals
make for interest in a charactar
just as symmetry makes divine without blemish
so it is that we must love ourselfes as we are
whilst aiming to refine its metal to something finer
little by degrees hammered by our own wierd personality
and in this assumption the only caution is that
ultimately wealth is a house full of false rooms
blind doors, odd perspectives
its just expansive decor

let me be the bring you some of these joys
push you up that hill just as i used when your heart was failing
let me show you that vista from the very top of the place
let me be the breeze that trails your hair in waves
drawn across the undulating scope on the horizon
let me be that cerebral music
let me be its page
its bearer

and so it is with intellect and achievement