
Brown rain oosing out of your ears
A three legged plastic transistor
For a mother
Fat as a yellow maggot
The matrons of shame
Lob the bits of bricks of scorn
Right into your open window
Do you care
Your curios and your lurid mix of clothes
Say "Maybe not"

But wonder opens windows
The crabby apple of understanding
Has struck me clean on my stupid head
And the worms have dropped out
The tacit tact of a vaunt guard
The equibalance of say a pyramid
The bronze precision of a polished lathe
Is the honour of your quick witted self
And from your peculiar perch
You seem to filter out the gutters hues
And percieve with surety and explain to me
The daft fritillaries of a chavist random world
I glubber at your brilliance
Open mouthed like a suckling pilchard
Fishmongerel on a market slab

The ecstacy of being seventeen made me blind
I walked on old tins with leaden boots
And trashed their sardine can emotions
Like a dustcart crusher
I ate as i pleased
Sometimes barely a sippet
Oft times parched and cleaned part skeletal
And always sideswayed darker needs