
the echoing tubes joined by the wax
of the labyrinth call their haunting tune
i must rise from my bed and repeat
their hollow howling out among
the dark temples of trees

he walks as naked as at birth
and with all the grace that
supreme has lent its confidant
power that kens its confidence

i am shy as the night flower
but he will be mine i will be his
for in the temples upon the walls of
immutable time in their gold leafed
chronicle the words are wrapped like loving vines
around the ivied claustrophobia of pillared
walls twisting and vaunted
and up toward the open night
the texts of our love
glint in the bold halflight

i may look weak but i am like the
resilience of the thin lath
and will surely bear his child
and so fulfil the promise
of fecundity
echoes drawn through the thin
labyrinths of time and reflected
from the golden walls of decided fate
will test that resilience
but i am rooted in his fabric
i am his earth
and his oceans

in the coming of the dawn
he will hold me up to the light
and it will pass through me
though i am of substance i am of glass
like a semblance of some secret dream