
The poem is about failure .

Book 301 is intended to be a collection of poems by Mike Burr for 2010 with no thematic precept.


the night was patent patient black
and portents fluttered flew amongst its teeming cavern roof
dark portents that rustled fitfully
for they knew that we would grieve for the bluebird
come the light of waking day

the day was pallid perfect beryl blue
and butterflies amongst its cavern swooned
the lion will of gardens broken as they croon cried
for bluebirds song no more would thrill their sobbing flowers
its double throated thrill of heaven

the night was scared slate-starred and sombre
sweat drenched foreboding scurried neath its rocks
ebon mourning round the corpse of bluebird swept its cape
the flux of liquid matter a solvent to the shale of earth
burns its whole upon the sediments

many days were pallid perfect blue
so many days deaf earths have shaped and fallen far aways
ichorous bluebird through the chorus of the sons of gods
does sweetly play her foot notes
her songs long forgot since lamentation died
sister bluebird though i ate your tongue
or bribed the barb whiskered roaring gods themselves
no tune have I
no tune to match your tune


Idea for the poem came from the title of the song "Bluebird is dead" [album : Three Light Years] by

Electric Light Orchestra