
The poem is the anithesis of the poem of discovery and is about the dissolution or repression of ideas and ideals.

Book 301 is intended to be a collection of poems by Mike Burr for 2010 with no thematic precept.


nestled in a cup of stars
a thin line of cloud that snakes arched like a brow
its face cast to scouring
moon-jar look upon the world of night
but you young bright bird
from your quiet lair your wary eyelid arched
lay dormant lest they find you
they found and slaughtered me
and beside you in the sift of earth
white splintered tips just seen
through the broken brackens orange degradation
and the mulch of last years failing fall
is my broken spirit casting relics in your soil
and in that debris i became autocracy undone
its low esteem once self ruled dispersed debased
buried in its hoards among your barren fields
treasure to despair
so ancient darlings let the grizzling worms
cast my diffusing all to root and fibre
and thread its worth among the clay
it should not be long in disappearing
there was not much achievement in my being
and what there was passed for secret moons
across a clouded night


The night of the 4th or 5th Jan 2010 was both clear and unusually bright to the point where i woke up at about 2 of the morning and looked out of the window to be greeted by the vista described in the first 4 lines .. they kind of suggested themselves and so being a sort of poem nerd i wrote them down. By about 3 I had written most of the above - see its an affliction - you were right !!

the bit about the arched eyelid sort of pays poem-service to Wallace Stevens "13 ways to ravage a blackbird" [and which I'm sure does their plumage no good at all] and then uses the idea by further consigning him/me ?? to dirt !!! and even worse belittling my own achievement in doing so