
The poem is about the destruction of written literature [or ambiguously - life] by cremation .

Book 301 is intended to be a collection of poems by Mike Burr for 2010 with no thematic precept.


the song of the seas as fatal as ever it was in time
false in its subtle lullaby, its master, a foolish boat
and more than once wondered how i was not
foam thrown upon its tumbling cliffs
or subdued and languid neath the surface
in its silent undertow
languid as the wrack
whose lime and verdured greens in small islands flow
on some distant adventure with their crew of fry
and in that rippled surface way one may see
just below our ego - the waters top -
that we are not sufficient in our selves
and in communion thereby lies the wisdom of the watery world
bran is right to not to prejudge a being
and that is perhaps one facet of his broad fellowship that
regards well being as a holistic organ which we call mankind
and its hierarchy ordained of which the beasts
are of a lower order
and when i think of man and beast i cannot
escape the vision of my half brother Efnysien
faithful as a brother for sure
but as wild a firebrand as any lynx a-threated
quick to throw its claws
and unpredictable as the craziest of sleek unbroken horses
driven by their fist sized panicked brain
and flailing blocks of hoof
for like Efnysien those who trust their lives to portents
and in those seek enlightenment of herbs and drugs
seem always to have both extremeness of sensitivity
beyond the humdrum of mortal earth
and yet pay the sinisters that drive their knowledge
by random destruction of their worldly selves as they are vapourised
by the cruelty at the hearth of chemicals they so admire
its so with drink for sure but with the enigmatic
potions of the magic world so much more insidious and cabalistic
rooted as it is in the onlookers own insecure ancestry
below that rippled surface we deem humanised or cultured


Branwens brother is seated on a rock overlooking Harlech(theres a castle now on that site courtesy Edward 2 ?) he knows that the irish boats of Matholwch are headed in that direction

The story of branwen

Idea originated from request relating to :

