
The poem is about the distance between us .

Book 301 is intended to be a collection of poems by Mike Burr for 2010 with no thematic precept.


the sun was oddly plural
two suns and one sun said
far across the southland where south-birds sing of unbroken days
the birds sang that they felt one sun was was foreign
and within that foreigner song the south birds sang the song of far away
far ways and interior to the northern waste where birds sing in broken days
and the northern birds in the south-birds song looked into the winter night
where a sun cowled and coiled touched the forest top of an ice blocked world
and in the south-birds song the north-birds sang a song
and in their song the sun was oddly plural


Idea for the poem came from the title of

Adrian Wagner

LP "Distances between us and the email from

Brant Lyon regarding the poem

Gwen encouraging " the enjambment that carries the rhythm to the next line and keeps the poem in forward motion" so i decided to do something completely different with the idea of ideas so the poem iterates within itself a loop within a loop - okay so its loopy - pluraly looploopesque!!!!