
irrational is dedicated to artists, past, present and future .

The Cello Note Lust Fatality Incident

fake out string, fucking sing for me
sing for me in those husky mellow lady tones that i know you know i know you know that proud bowed chest out, rattle your bones not one, not two, nor ten nor fifty seven notes but with all your many womanly throats a choral gluttony of delicious sound that walls may ring and echoes abound around for me you sing, fake out string pretend you know where my stubby little fingers go or ill smash you up you useless cello squeak and gweek "don't break me Mike" said the timid girly-cello "Mike, now if you like" erm .... ill put on a nice record of playing by the famous Rostropovitch " "SHUT UP YOU STUPID BITCH...." 'that's disgusting and profane that man is quite insane well have to leave it there hes quite horrible to that lovely instrument she should get divorced from him this very instant aha I've had a gigantium brainus wavus that might te dayum saveus' and so the naturally brunette [and thus devious] goddess of sound spread some hairy elbow grease around oh .... his arm is a burry blur see it go and go see it glow ! its got so hot and tight his very elbows caught alight lucky he so hated hygiene his body's rarely water been or seen so in his cello noting scringing lusts we noted and applaud as Mike combusts
appearing by courtesy of Mike Burr Mike Burr , image
