
irrational is dedicated to artists, past, present and future .


yes that was the day, the momentous day i invented LOVE RAYS for my loveliest girlfriend ever and they look like the imogee below that i patented at vast expense ----------> P <¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬ that was the day she went to stay with her mother and told me i smelt of fish and waved gleefully from her porch after my sad goodbyes i knew then that i had to be able to project the LOVE RAYS much futher than the Cuddle-o-sphere i consulted my EyeFone [product placement other phones are available] and in the Special Section under Thunderbirds BRAYNS " I have to find a way to Project these revolutionary new LOVE RAYS to Cheshunt Brayns" as he bounced around suspended by strings a surreal hand imogee above "H Has erm Mr TTTTracy given his approval a a a after all LOVE RAYS fired in-in-inindiscriminantly into an Urban Area could cause Untold CCCCChaos" "Yes Jeff has given it Top Security Brayns " and i produced a Top Security imogee but in fact i lied like an irradiated sheep glowing in the wooly satisfaction of the severest winter where all the other animals in the field have perished " O O K mmmm" a short while Later in the Mostest Secret and Especially Dangerous Lab Brayns is stuttering to himself " I I think the DD Directional Su Stimulator is powerful enough now for a ssmall T trial" ZZZZAAAAAPPPPP ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬> KKKZOOOOMAAA "oh no the Giro Predicated Dividor is mm malfunctionnnn ing and some of the Rays Lu look like theyre Hu headed straight for ST ALBANS ABBEY !!! [cue du du du daaahh music .. with chior] A short while later NEAR St AlBans Abbey Rap Rap KnoK a Knock on an ancient oak door is heard in the narrow medieval ClockTower Quaters at Number 43 Abbey Roadstreet CadFail Here Monk Detective " Mrs Jones of Number 43 Abbey Roadstreet postcode SA* 1II* Im Inspector Cadfail Madam Im sorry about that asterisk in your Postcode But im here on a more pressing matter " "Yes Monk Inspector" "I believe you have a CAT by the name of ZONGWONDALAN" " Mrs Jones I LOVE THAT CAT" and as he collapsed to the ground on his knees whimpering you could see a path to his back where the rogue LOVE RAYS had passed right through leaving the large tear in his monkish habit mouldering and steaming
Mike Burr ,
